Analyzing ICU Admissions at Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center

In this post I’ll be discussing my final project for Biostatistics 823: Statistical Programming for Big Data, a course I took at Duke University. For this project, my classmates and I built an interactive dashboard to explore ICU admission trends at Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical center. My teammates on this... [Read More]

A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning

Recent advances in data collection and computational power have enabled the development and usage of many machine learning techniques. Algorithms are being used to run self-driving cars, translate documents, and even diagnose diseases. Perhaps the most famous of these techniques is deep learning, which uses layers of neural networks to... [Read More]

Dashboarding Doctoral Outcomes

The current job market in the United States has many questioning the value of a doctoral degree. Critics have argued that PhD programs exploit student labor, don’t prepare you for jobs outside academia, and exaggerate job placement statistics. These views have been largely driven by two factors: an increase in... [Read More]

Downloading Star Wars Data at Lightspeed

In this post I will be using the Star Wars API (SWAPI) to learn more about some of the classic characters from Star Wars. I’ll be using the requests package to access the data. The first step of accessing the data is making a request. Once you have the data... [Read More]