A Malaria Data Challenge

The Malaria Epidemic Through the Ages In this post I’ll be participating in TidyTuesday, a weekly event where you’re challenged to analyze a new dataset. This week’s dataset is on malaria- a parasitic illness that is spread by mosquito bites. In 2018 there were approximately 228 million cases of malaria... [Read More]

The Euler Project

The Euler project is a website that contains problems that are intended to be solved by computer programs. In this post I’ll be examining a few problems I found interesting and detail my solutions. [Read More]

Creating a GitHub Pages Website Using Jekyll

Creating a website can be a great way to showcase your portfolio, whether you are a data scientist, software engineer, or artist. However, if you don’t have much experience making a website, it can be difficult to find a low-cost option that is relatively simple to implement. GitHub pages’ free... [Read More]

Measuring Anti-Chinese Comments in Coronavirus Tweets

Can Anti-Chinese Sentiment be Detected Using Twitter? Covid-19 has spread across the globe, infecting milions of people and fundamentally changing how we work and interact with others. With the proliferation of this disease also came an unexpected byproduct; anti-Chinese racism in the United States. Since the first cases of the... [Read More]

Predicting Abnormal Heart Perfusion

This is my final project for IDS 702: Modeling and Representation of Data at Duke University. This course covered a broad variety of statistical models including hierarchial models, decision trees, and simpler techniques such as regression and hypothesis testing. For my project, I chose to use R to build a... [Read More]